by Kimberly A. Cook (Twitter@ WarriorTales)
Right now Nashville is getting hit with a snow and ice mess and Washington, D.C., is bracing for two feet of snow. I saw a news report about a new Blizzard Buddy app for folks to use to try and date while snowed in – creative!
Here in Oregon it’s 53 degrees today and rainy, so I wanted to offer some snuggle suggestions from those of us not being beat up by winter weather. How about cuddling up with a large feline who goes by the name Mr. Spock? He keeps getting reported to authorities for being a Bobcat! He’s not, just a big boy Maine Coon cat kind of guy.
Stay warm out there, take care, have a great weekend and Happy Quirky Friday!
Makes Ernie look dainty at 14 lbs.