by Kimberly A. Cook (Twitter@ WarriorTales)
I love baby goats and when they come with matching white puppies, even better. This little four-day old guy cannot figure out what the scrambling dog wants.
The baby goat is also trying to figure out the slippery floors. Meanwhile the puppy is so excited he might have a matching playmate he actually bounces. And of course they were supervised by adults. With a video camera.
Have a great weekend and Happy Quirky Friday!
P.S. Sorry about the ad on the video, but the kid and puppy are worth wading through it.
That was great! The dog was so cute, trying to get the baby goat to play. Poor little thing was keeping an eye on him too! More animal videos is what I need. The baby polar bear in the baby pool of ice is still my favorite ! Thanks for sharing!