by Kimberly A. Cook
Last week I finished a huge project. Mega big. Finished cleaning out my Dad’s basement workshop. This may sound like a small deal, but it was a humongo challenge. Been working on it for ten years. Off and on. Pretty on the past eight months.

So spent part of last week celebrating my accomplishment. Did wild and crazy things like a jammie day, a massage, bought clearance beads and actually read a fiction book. There was also dark chocolate involved; I stocked up on six bags just to be sure I don’t run out this next month – Valentine’s Day!
I don’t think we celebrate our victories enough. We’re so used to rushing on to meet the next goal, project or to do list item, we don’t revel in the moment. Celebrate all your achievements. What may seem like tiny victories mount up to big accomplishments.
It also recharges your battery. Which is why I could spend three hours on Sunday cleaning and rearranging the garage so I can get Subie’s car doors open. Parts of Dad’s shop ended up in my garage. Living room. Office. Exercise room. To be sorted later.

Time to celebrate with more chocolate. Plus I’m making big party plans to really commemorate this event by getting Subie detailed inside and out, replenishing my stock of no-stink BenGay and visiting the chiropractor.
After any mission, one must check equipment and do maintenance. Words to the wise.
I recruited help when I needed it too. It takes a platoon to accomplish most goals. Life is logistics.
One of the biggest hurdles was making sure tools and hardware went to non-profit organizations; Habitat for Humanity Restore and Tools 4 Troops got a lot. I know they will be used and help out families and veterans. Dad would like that too.
Got mega or mini victories to celebrate?
Party on!
A valuable reminder…thank you! And congrats on your HUGE accomplishment. 🙂
Yay! Cleaning out loved one’s stuff is on my “hardest things to do” list. Good for you. I love your ideas of where to donate toolsl
i’ve decided i am a master at “sort it later bags…hahaha. I would say i think you are amazong…but you already know that so I will keep it to myself….i think i may hang this one up on the wall in front of me tho…
thanks for the giggles!
I bet that was bittersweet sorting through his things….hugs!