I’m sitting here with Crunchy Cheetos dust on my fingers while I fire up a send off to 2020. A year that defies description. But like steel, when forged in fire, we get stronger. And part of that is to acknowledge the staggering loss of life here in the United States and around the world, due to the pandemic. A moment of silence with respect and compassion for all the families and friends grieving right now.
Things will get better. Our science and health care warriors are geared up and wearing invisible capes every day.
So let’s celebrate what makes us human. Joy and laughter. Because without the pain, we wouldn’t appreciate the joy. And we will work together to make sure this doesn’t ever happen again. I’m thinking AI robot dogs virus sniffer teams. They’re working on them!
So let’s dance with robots, appreciate the animals, support our troops serving around the world and thank our veterans.
Happy 2021 everybody!
Thank you to our service personnel and veterans, to our health care workers, first responders, and to our newly recognized front line workers–everybody in food, from farm to table, the transit and other drivers, teachers, and all the other people that make the world work that we don’t notice in our every day lives. I’m also thinking of the scientists, engineers, mechanics, and inspectors that make our local area work the way it’s supposed to. Having a small dose of the world’s worst air this year made me very thankful to have air I don’t have to chew, water I don’t have to boil, and food I can get whenever I want it. Hard as it was–and it was a horrible year–I still live a privileged life.
Amen Julie! Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to you, Kim! Your Writing War Stories Classes were one of the highlights of my life. Thank you and wishing you the best in 2021.
Happy New Year to you and your family! Thank you for your kind words about the classes. You guys were great and taught me so much more than I taught you. What a fun, wonderful, and wacky group of veterans. I was so blessed. Have a great 2021!