by Kimberly A. Cook (Twitter@ WarriorTales)
Boston, I don’t know what to tell you. You’re dealing with a snowtastrophe. I spent this past weekend thrilled to PIP (Putter In Place) at home for two days while we got hit with rain from the Pineapple Express. Boston folks are experiencing cabin fever of epic proportions at this point and I bet it’s not too fun.
Saw a YouTube video of a cat losing it trying to get out the front door of snow. How do you even explain it to your dogs? Do they have doggie snow poop scoopers?

Since Mr. Whiskers the hedgehog at the Oregon Zoo predicted an early Spring for those of us on the West Coast, his record is 1 percent better than old Phil the Groundhog’s (40% to 39%), I feel I should apologize since we’re getting an early spring out West. They’re even predicting 65 degree weather here on Friday. I kid you not. Of course that unleashes the tree pollen, but I bet Boston would take that too.
So the best thing I can do is perhaps give you hope that blooms will blossom eventually by showing you some of ours.
My saxifrasia will survive even a nuclear blast I think, but the cold weather didn’t slow them down this past winter. This backyard one was so happy in its pot I didn’t even realize it had bloomed. What a wonderful surprise. So I know you Boston folks are tough and I hope storm Marcus eases up on you soon.
Valentine’s Day is coming, so maybe you can make red or pink snow hearts? Use cherry juice? Seems you have plenty of snow to work with right now. Hope the Blooms for Boston help!

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