by Kimberly A. Cook (Twitter@ WarriorTales)
Started reading Kristen Lamb’s new book, “Rise of The Machines: Human Authors In A Digital World,” this past weekend. Great read. Really enjoying her recap of all that has happened in the publishing biz in the last several years and where we are headed.

In order to buy her Kindle book I had to read it on my computer. I have a Classic Nook and a Nook Tablet, but they won’t talk to the Kindle unless I do engineering hijinks I am not qualified to do. Could get the App for my Android Phone, but don’t want to use the small screen.
This all got me to thinking about how do we keep up with tech from a hardware standpoint as writers? At the day job last Thursday I got a brand new desktop box to replace the old one which has been clunking along for six years. Like getting a new Corvette! Man the thing moves and going from 2 GB RAM to 8 GB RAM is divine.
Now I want one at home. Both my day job and home computers were top of the line when I got them six years ago, but time moves in light years in upgrade land. Now I am trying to guess which way to go for my future home computer.
Since I switched over to digital photos from film and started making videos too, computer memory and processing power are now a big deal. While I like portability, I prefer a larger screen and keyboard when dealing with photos and video instead of a laptop. Tablets are nice for viewing, but for actual work, I find them frustrating when working with any type of “transmedia.”
Basic portable writing can be done on my pink laptop which cannot have its .99 GB of RAM memory upgraded, never even knew there was a soldered daughter board, but it can still compose and play Wheel of Fortune and Scrabble, so I’m good.
So what is my first tip? Whatever I buy, purchase the exact opposite. I have the Palm, Blackberry, Nooks and non-upgradeable laptop to support my case; plus my six-year-old desktop. Then there is the whole Windows 8 thing where they didn’t give us a start button the first time out. Seriously?
Hoping to hobble along a little longer before having to shell out some major pesos and “gasp” shift computers. While we use them as tools, they are also toys at times, expensive toys. But still cheaper than a Harley or a bass boat! I think.
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