by Kimberly A. Cook (Twitter@ WarriorTales)
Nope. Change is constant and chaos is its walking buddy. If we don’t change or move we can become stagnant; not a good idea for people or water with mosquito larvae. Do we have to like change all the time? Nope.
Took a webinar this past weekend about using Google+ for authors; yet another social media platform. I only deal with the top four or five social media sites and I can’t keep up. Checked it out because being a lifelong learner I’m always seduced by the next new thing, but then it requires the same old thing – work.

Not sure if it’s summertime, age or the call of the wild, but I don’t want to work all the time these days. Playing seems a much better way to go. Writing and publishing can drive us nuts on a good day, so how do we cope with all the challenges? We go to our experts and pick their brains.
One of my favorite authors with a killer blog is Kristen Lamb; myself and 23,000 plus other folks think so. She lives to educate authors and has a wicked keen sense of humor, which I adore. I have all her books and have taken her online blogging class which saved my sanity and at least a ten pound weight gain.
Her post on Friday, June 14, was another fabulous one. Long story short, she has a new book coming out July 4, Rise of the Machines – Human Authors in a Digital World. The title alone makes we want to buy it, especially when my eyes glazed over during the Google+ webinar. Are we all beginning to feel like C3PO with a USB port with the escalating digital deluge? My kingdom for a quill and bottle of ink! (Not really, but it sounds good.)
How do we get through change and chaos if we can’t stop it? Teamwork! I’m so glad to have Kristen Lamb as one of my go to coaches for publishing and author intell(igence.) We all need buddies in life, for work and play, so take a look at her post and see what you think. The mind you save may be your own!
Read Kristen Lamb’s post here:
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