by Kimberly A. Cook (Twitter@ WarriorTales)
Back from a quick mini-vacation to one of my favorite places, Sisters, Oregon. While hunting in a resale shop my friend dragged me into, I came across this treasure – a Yahtzee Word game. Now, my family is a big fan of Yahtzee, we always played it at the beach for New Year’s Eve while stuffing our faces with Chinese take out food.

But, I had no idea there was a Yahtzee word game. In these days of plug-in everything, it was fun to find a new old game with a familiar name. After we frisked the box to make sure it had all the parts, I ended up the big buyer with several other treasures added to the game purchase.
We got to talking about the games we played as kids and with family; like Chinese checkers and Go Fish, Tiddly Winks and fifty-two pick up stix. Ah, the good old days of a zillion parts to every game.
While I own three Scrabble sets, it’s never seemed all that fun to me, not sure why. I’m still a complete chess rookie, but ever hopeful. Heard about the Words with Friends app on folks phones, but I like the tactile sensation of moving pieces around – call me old school game girl.
With summer approaching and hopefully some fun down time for all, imagine what it would be like to unleash your inner old school gamer and replay some favorite games to treat your brain. It just might unleash fun and happy memories of the games you played and may want to share with new friends and family.
I remember the wicked Crazy 8 card games we used to get into while out camping with friends – too fun. Maybe you can stumble across an old favorite in a resale shop or online; there is a big market in collectible games now. (You can buy Tiddly Winks at But I’m good to go, I’ve got my Yahtzee Word game! What was your favorite game?
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