It’s official. The holiday crazies are here. At a time of year when life is normally hectic, between crazy weather and a quick-turn between Thanksgiving and the holidays, coping is required. No matter how I try to slow down the days, get organized, and stay on top of things; life happens.
So here are a few tips for my fellow crazed humans trying to survive this time of the year. Heads up. If you’re visiting Costco from now until New Years, it’s official combat shopping season in that arena. Be prepared, take your patience, and pack protein snacks.
At any point in the day, except while driving snowplows or piloting the space station; sit, stay, breathe, blink, repeat.
This is a hectic time for family pets too. Make sure you give them the required cuddle time to calm their nerves. And yours. A two-fer!
Making memories doesn’t require money. A visit and laugh with a good friend does make the world go round.
Everybody has hard times. Reach out to others you know who could use a boost. Positivity is catching.
Get some rest. I saw a USPS truck being towed away yesterday. Obviously it had given it’s all for the busiest season. Nap like a champ.
It’s okay to buy pre-made cookie dough. I have three rolls in my refrigerator right now. Remember, Martha Stewart has 300 staff. We don’t.
As long as Christmas/holiday cards are mailed before or after the holiday, they count. Friends understand and are just glad to hear from you.
There are no calories in December. Just know they rollover to January, like a cell phone plan.
Cozy is a good four-letter word. Practice it.
We miss folks we have lost this time of year, so let’s revisit a favorite happy memory to be grateful they were in our lives.
The Winter Solstice arrives this weekend. Shortest day of the year? Done! We get another minute of light! Wear your Hawaiian shirts!
If you missed National Chocolate-Covered Anything day on Monday, feel free to celebrate late. It’s all good.
Need more light this time of year? I switched my light bulbs from soft to daylight in the bathroom and about fried my retinas. I may be seeing things I’d rather not, but my body thinks its Maui in there. Wear sunglasses if necessary. Who needs makeup?
Send good wishes and prayers for all the folks dealing with family and health challenges this time of year. And all the first responders and medical staff working to support them. There are angels amongst us.
Buy yourself a present. There are tons of cool and fun things at Dollar Tree. Like my pink paper clip holder in the shape of a mini to-go coffee cup. Cute, functional, and cheap. Three of my favorite words.
Hugs are power transfers from one person to another. Ask permission first when it comes to strangers.
Greet the bell ringers and wish them happy holidays. Thank them for their volunteer time. Give a buck or two if you can.
Take time for yourself. Even five minutes. Take a walk, watch the sunrise, or refill the hummingbird feeder.
Say a wish of gratitude for all our troops serving around the world and their families who support them, whether they are home or far away.
Keep an eye out for Santa. The North American Aerospace Defense Command is on the job clearing his air space. The NORAD Santa Tracker launches in six days. Rudolph on point.
Hugs and happiness to all my blog readers. You guys are fabulous and extremely good looking.
Let’s gear up for 2020!
Right after I eat all the cookies and finish the eggnog.
“Need A Break From The Holi-Daze?” Copyright © 2019 by Kimberly A. Cook. Image Copyright © 2019 by Kimberly A. Cook.
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