by Kimberly A. Cook (Twitter@ WarriorTales)
Happy week after Valentine’s Day! Had planned on a fun post for V Day, but that creeping crud head/throat/chest thing hit me Feb. 12 and I went down like a rock. My leaking energy choices for Feb. 14 were to write my blog or bake Mom’s birthday cake and go to her party. You know what I chose!
But since my head feels much lighter now, I’m trying to get back to my regular programming. If coughing counted for exercise I’d be ten pounds lighter, but it doesn’t work that way. Rats.
Pondering last week between cough drops and tissue use, I tried to rate my most romantic memories. So far. The interesting part is romance has many faces; not just the usual coupledom. Since couple season is now over, Halloween to Valentine’s Day, the rest of us can heave a sigh of relief and not be blasted with the commercial messages that romance involves only two humans.
Some of my most romantic memories have included family, friends and being alone. The only real ingredient which might be required for true romance in my book is chocolate; don’t be home or leave home without it.
According to the “Merriam-Webster Dictionary” on my desk, romance is
1. a medieval tale of knightly adventure.
2. a prose narrative dealing with heroic or mysterious events set in a remote time or place.
3. a love story.
4. a romantic attachment or episode between lovers.
So my blog might be number one, two and three at times; love stories can be with friends, pets and frogs. Many of my “romantic” memories involve travel and being in the moment. Being present to completely experience an amazing person, place or thing.
The point of this is to launch us all on a new quest for romance. Before Halloween rolls around this year, let’s all find pieces of romance to enjoy this entire year and expand our definition. I presented kid Valentine’s to my family, complete with Minion temporary tattoos. Perfect. Nothing says love like temporary ink.
What new romantic memories do you want to make this year?
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