I’m rebooting myself. If we can do it to computers, we can do it to ourselves. Between the crazy cold weather, my too long sick bay recovery and the state of my house, something needs to be rebooted. So I’ve decided to start with moi.
Mucking out the house seems a first priority. Since Spec Ops Cat refuses to do dishes and housework, I had to keep up with those necessities. But cleaning out closets when homebound has led to a plethora of boxes in the living room bound for Goodwill, Habitat for Humanity and recycling.
Normally I would move all this flotsam into the garage, but it’s a mess too. Seems when I’m not feeling well I order things from Home Shopping Network to cheer me up. Then I throw the empty boxes into the garage until I can break them down. That also includes my Christmas wreath.
Miracles of miracles Monday, the sun came out and it was pleasant outside. I toddled out to the garage and proceeded to breakdown cardboard boxes and fill the entire recycling cart to the brim. Then I actually unwound the wire off the wreath, salvaging the bells and pine cones, and put the very dead fir limbs into the yard debris.
Now I also kept the round wire frame. I’ve been doing this for years, buying holiday wreaths and then saving the frames. Haven’t used one yet. But I might. I’ve watched too many YouTube craft videos this year and I own an unused glue gun. Chaos will certainly reign at some point when it comes to these two items. I can only imagine the things I can stick myself to with a small amount of effort.
Yesterday I almost took the electronic recycling in the back of Subie to the drop off place, but I couldn’t get my butt out the door. Today is another day! The old HP printer and monitor belonged to the ancient computer I finally switched to my new computer. It only took six months, two technicians and a ton of chocolate. I’ve kept the old desktop just in case. I might need a doorstop or a boat anchor.
But I like to think this is progress. I also dragged some boxes to sort from my parent’s house out of my exercise room, it holds equipment, not that I use it. I am happy to say Subie will be driving a vintage punch bowl set to a friend of mine to donate to her church. One more box out of the house.
I watched a lot of videos while cooped up and stumbled upon Mari Kondo’s Netflix series about Tidying Up. Basically it all comes down to one thing – you have to sort your crap, er stuff. But the series gave me hope that one day I will again park Subie in the middle of the garage and perhaps see the rug in the exercise room.
Don’t get me started on my office. Between papers and books, it’s easier to fight my way to the computer and ignore it. But I am whittling on it all. That’s my new word for sorting and cleaning. Whittling. Doesn’t seem that hard to whittle away a box at a time.
My goal is to have it done by this Fall. Or at least by the time I buy another holiday wreath.
It could happen!
Got anything to whittle at your house?
cindyhiday says
Mari Kondo’s ruthless approach scares me a bit…lol…but it was a wonderful breathe-deep-sigh-of-relief moment to finally call the Vietnam Veterans Association to haul off a huge box and plastic bag of cra…stuff. Resume whittling!
Julie Clark says
You’re my hero for the week! Probably for March! I have been taking clothes I’ve undergrown since I lost weight and putting them in bags so I have a bunch of bags (from a 22 to 16 in the last few years) that are all over my bedroom. If I take them out, I will reduce my risk of tripping and falling in that room by about 75%. Sun’s out today, Maybe I’ll go throw them in the car. I already have to take the car somewhere tomorrow. This could work out!
Carol Timm says
Oh boy where to start whittling. Guess it will be the paperwork mostly sorted on the dining room table. Goal to finish sorting by Sunday. Then I can haul it upstairs to file. You are making progress!